Get to know Marge

Catholic wife and mother, award-winning author and journalist, speaker, blogger, columnist, and popular radio personality.

Simply Holy Coaching

Support for Your Life's Journey
Together, we will set out on a spirited quest to unlock your potential, boost your spiritual and personal growth, and uncover what God has in mind for you.


Award-winning author Marge Steinhage Fenelon brings you along on a pilgrimage to nine Marian shrines across the United States. Each day of this spiritual journey helps you encounter God and a deeper relationship with the Blessed Mother.

From Marian Press

With Foreword by Fr. Donald Calloway


Mother Most Powerful Book Cover

Mother Most Powerful reflects on each of the fifty-four titles of Mary found in the Litany of Loreto. As Our Lady’s Litany has for centuries, this book will draw you into love and veneration of the Blessed Mother in her titles.

These illuminating reflections can be read and prayed in any order and in whatever frequency you choose. They could be the companion to a novena or read over the course of months or a year. Perfect for individual quiet time or a group study, this book will help you grow in devotion to Mary while learning about the Litany of Loreto and the beauty, history, and meaning of Mary’s titles therein.

Simply Holy Coaching

Live a more joyful life in Christ!

Hi, I’m Marge!

As a Certified Discernment Coach, I help people answer the BIG questions so they can become the persons God intended them to be from all eternity. I work with people to set and achieve personal and spiritual life goals according to their God-given strengths and temperaments. I have many years of experience working with people to sort out, set up, and move ahead according to God’s will for them. I’m especially equipped to accompany others in overcoming wounds from the past so that they do not become an obstacle to future growth and development. Together we’ll close the gap between where you are now and where God wants you to be so you can live a more joyful life in Christ!

I can help you discover:

  • How can I get out of this rut and move forward?
  • How can I improve my relationships with others?
  • Why do I act and react the way I do?
  • How do I know what God wants of me?
  • What are my gifts and talents and how can I use them to fulfill God’s will for me?
  • How can I overcome my wounds from the past?
  • How can I manage difficult situations?

Isn’t it time to start living a joyful life in Christ? Let’s close the gap between where you are now and where God wants you to be.

Reach out to me for a FREE inquiry call.

Schedule your FREE 15-minute Inquiry Call

Isn’t it time to start living a joyful life in Christ? Let’s close the gap between where you are now and where God wants you to be.

What People Say About Simply Holy Coaching

“I was searching for the perfect blend of traits and talents in a life coach and voilà, I found them in Marge!  She is respectful, kind, compassionate, positive, focused and an excellent communicator. I also found her to be trustworthy, dedicated and honest.  From the get go she was able to tap into the issues I was having and kept me grounded while guiding me to search for answers.  I am grateful to Marge and recommend her to anyone who is sincerely ready to move forward in life.” –C.W., San Antonio, TX

“Marge is a gifted listener and a patient coach. She demonstrates a genuine concern for the client and possesses a keen insight into human behavior. Marge can help you find direction and establish the goals you need to succeed.” –MG

“Through her attentive listening and thoughtful questioning, Marge helped me recognize the key elements behind a personal work-related struggle. Without her guidance to identify actionable steps that provided a breakthrough, I’d still be stuck or would’ve walked away from the project altogether. Thank you, Marge!” –S.K., Houston, TX

“Marge was truly a wonderful coach to work with. She is very empathetic, super easy to talk to, and a great listener. During our time together we spoke about several parts of life in ways that still benefit me to this day. Her insight and homework ‘assignments’ have helped me reach many goals that I didn’t know would be possible. I appreciate her not only as a coach but as a person.” –A.P., Milwaukee, WI

What is Life Coaching?

Life Coaching is easily confused with the other helping professions. Here’s a handy chart to help you understand the differences.

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