Award-winning author and journalist, internationally-known speaker,
retreat leader, and popular radio personality

I’m an award-winning journalist and author, internationally known speaker, life coach, retreat leader, and Catholic media personality. I’ve been published in dozens of Catholic and secular publications and am the author of several books about Marian devotion and Catholic spirituality. family life. My book, Our Lady, Undoer of Knots: A Living Novena received a 2016 Association of Catholic Publishers Award for Excellence in Publishing. My Queen, My Mother: A Living Novena (A Marian Pilgrimage Across America) was awarded a Catholic Press Association Book Award. My latest book, America’s Mary: The Story of Our Lady of Good Help, has won wide acclaim and chronicles for the first time America’s ONLY Church-approved Marian apparition.
Radio and Television

I’m a frequent guest on many Catholic radio programs nationwide, a regular contributor to Relevant Radio’s “Morning Air Show,” and have appeared on EWTN’s “Women of Grace,” “Bookmark,” “Catholic Moms Cafe,” “At Home with Jim & Joy,” and other shows. My podcast, Simply Holy, is carried on YouTube and your favorite podcast platform.
I’m an internationally-known speaker and have presented at conferences, retreats, and parish events across the US and in Europe and South America. Audiences love my warm, down-to-earth style and the way I touch hearts with my humor and honesty. Learn more about booking me for your event on my Speaking page.
I’m a cradle Catholic, solidly committed to the teaching of the Magisterium, and consider myself a Blessed Virgin Mary fan girl. My entire life has been devoted to her as I carry on my ministry of leading the world to Christ through Mary.
Life Coaching
I’m a Professional Chrisitan Coaching Institute-trained life coach who loves to help people grow personally and spiritually. Nothing is more thrilling than that “Aha” moment when my client makes a self-discovery that leads them closer to their spiritual and personal goals. My coaching philosophy is based on a quote from St. Catherine of Sienna, “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire!” Check out my Life Coaching page to learn more about coaching with me.
I have a bachelor’s degree in public relations/journalism and worked for a time as a public relations consultant. I have a certificate in Marian Studies from the International Marian Research Institute and a certificate in spiritual mentoring from Cardinal Stritch University. I’m a member of the Catholic Marketing Network and Catholic Writer’s Guild. In May 2014 I traveled with the Catholic Press Association to the Holy Land as part of Pope Francis’ pilgrimage there and to Rome to participate in The Church Close Up, a seminar for international journalists hosted by the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. In 2015, I was awarded the Egan Fellowship for Excellence in Journalism, traveling to the Philippines to report on the ongoing reconstruction efforts in the aftermath of Super Typhoon Hayan. Later that year, I was accepted to the Jordan Tourism Board Religious Journalist and Blogger Tour, exploring the many holy sites in the “other” Holy Land. I’m an instructor for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Permanent Deacon Wives Program.
Spiritual Heroes
St. Margaret of Scotland
St. Margaret of Scotland (1050-1093) is my patron saint. St. Margaret was a woman of strong character, determined to maintain the freedom to be herself, to love God, and to serve others. Having fled the cruelty of William the Conqueror, St. Margaret and her family were shipwrecked off the coast of Scotland and were befriended by King Malcolm. The King was captivated by the beautiful and gracious young woman, and in 1070, they married. Queen Margaret reformed not only her rough and uncultured husband, but also the entire country. She promoted the arts, education, and religious reform and with King Malcolm, founded seven churches. The King so valued St. Margaret’s wisdom, that he often consulted her on state matters. The couple had six sons and two daughters, all of whom St. Margaret educated herself. Privately, Queen Margaret lived an austere life of prayer, spiritual reading, and fasting. She went to great lengths to care for the poor and never ate herself without first feeding the orphans and beggars at her table. St. Margaret of Scotland died four days after learning that her husband and eldest son had been killed in battle.
St. Francis de Sales
I look to St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622), the patron saint of writers, for guidance. Despite of his best efforts to coerce his son into the legal profession, St. Francis de Sales’ father finally conceded his entry into the priesthood. From the start, he was quite successful in converting others to the Catholic faith by distributing pamphlets that he himself had written. He became a bishop at age 35, preached, heard confessions, catechized, and quickly became known for his ability to win souls with his gentle character. His two best-known books are Introduction to the Devout Life and A Treatise on the Love of God, but he also wrote many pamphlets and a vast correspondence. His writings are addressed to laypersons, and his primary focus is to help them understand that they, too, are called to be saints. He shared a chaste and heartfelt friendship with St. Jane de Chantal, with whom he founded the Sisters of the Visitation.
Mother Thrice Admirable

The Blessed Virgin Mary under the title Mother Thrice Admirable has been a part of my life since I was one year old. At that time, I was consecrated to her by a very holy priest of the Apostolic Movement of Schoenstatt during a chance meeting between the priest and my mother. I firmly believe that at that moment Mary grabbed hold of me and has never let go. She’s carried me through some of the most unimaginable trials and suffering. She has always been there for me and because of that, I often refer to her as “Mama.”