Angel of Hope

“Oh, man. Check that out,” I sighed. “Wow, that’s really nice,” Mark admired. “Hey, it’s on sale. Let’s get it.” I picked up the beautiful angel figure and turned it around in my hands. I ran my finger over its sweeping wings. On the hem of its robe was etched Read more…

“Then the kingdom of heaven will be like this. Ten bridesmaids took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. When the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them; but the wise took flasks of oil with their Read more…

Jesus’ two mommies

In Amsterdam, Jesus has two mommies. And two daddies. You can see them for yourself if you visit the city during Christmas week. A live manger scene featured as part of a weeklong festival for gays will display a “holy family” with two Marys and two Josephs. The organizer of Read more…

Salami, salami, balonie!

Reminds me of a cartoon I saw many times as kid. A wimpy little Middle East-type character would suddenly fall on his knees, grovel at the person before him, throw his hands above his had and bow down will chanting “Salami! Salami! Balonie!”. Then…presto! Magic would happen and he’d be Read more…

Clan Money

OMG. How could I have been so stupid? All these years, Mark and I have been working our fingers to the bone trying to support our family when the solution was right there at our fingertips. Or, more precisely, Mark’s fingertips. We could have simply printed our own money, as Read more…

Worth the cost?

You decide. The mainstream media never tells the whole story of what’s been happening in Iraq. Many, many good things have transpired and progress has indeed been made. Here’s what Henry Kissinger has to say about it: