Let the ruckus begin!

T-minus twelve hours and counting. In less than twelve hours, my kitchen will be filled with whisking, peeling, slicing, rolling, stirring, basting, whipping, patting, chopping, simmering, boiling, baking, testing, turning, and tasting. Fenelon Clan is going to cook. We’ll be making the lion’s share of our Thanksgiving Dinner tomorrow because Read more…

Soldiers are people, too.

I had a good dose of reality Thursday night. I went to a Family Readiness Briefing with Matt. His brigade is being deployed soon and so the National Guard arranged a meeting to inform and support the soldiers and families as they prepare. As I looked around the auditorium, I Read more…

And the winner is…

Who Knows. It’s too early to project a winner of the 2008 United States Presidential Election. Likely, we won’t know for a while because I’ll bet anything there will be recount calls, accusations, and perhaps even (God forbid) some civil unrest. But regardless of who, legitimately or illegitimately, comes up Read more…