This brain ain’t dead

Below is a brief from today’s Catholic News Service website. No doubt Rae is an exceptional case. However, the fact that she became so unexpectedly exceptional should make us wonder: How do we know ahead of time which will be the exceptional cases and which won’t? Brain death raises questions, Read more…

A Simple Solution

Gee, we’re going through all this agony for nothing. Here we are, moping around over our dead dog when all we had to do was save some of her DNA and have her cloned. And for a mere $155,000. That’s what a Florida couple did with their dog. So, when Read more…

Dog Gone

So she’s really gone. Wow. It seemed as though that demented poodle would be around forever. Who woulda thought? But Friday she got sick and overnight she got sicker. By 1:30pm Saturday, we had put her down. Based on the symptoms, the vet didn’t even question our decision. She was Read more…

Whose rights are right?

Illinois parents no longer have to worry about children being coerced into praying in the public schools. The ACLU took care of all that. The one minute of silence for prayer or reflection that used to be a daily practice has now been ruled unconstitutional.,2933,481427,00.html This should be of Read more…

Turning into a FRoG

The first meeting of the Family Readiness Group for our son’s troop is coming up. Better known as FRG (military love acronyms), or for me, FRoG, this is a support group for the families of deployed soldiers. Tell the truth, these are great folks but I’m not ready to be Read more…

My youngest is a teenager

I have never felt so old in my whole life. Considering I’m a minute older than I was a minute ago, that makes perfect sense. But figuratively speaking, I’m pretty sure I’m now looking at the crest of the hill from the other side. Our youngest is now, officially, irreversibly…a Read more…