Come on, Hoss! Little Joe! Time to ride!

Thanks for stopping in at Pastrami, Swiss, & Awry. We’ll be traveling to the Southwest next week, spending our last bit of time together with our son before his deployment. Check back April 6, when there’s be more inspirations and amusements for you to enjoy. See you then!

St. Joseph, Pray for Us!

I copped this prayer from the website of the Oblates of St. Joseph. It’s written in first person from the perspective of the father of a family. But, don’t we all have someone for whom we’re responsible in some way? Aren’t we all worried about the fate of our economy, Read more…

The God-free Campaign

The God-free Campaign continues. Little by little, the anti-God folks are trying to corner us, strip us of our religious and nail our faith the the flagpole. Be assured that they’re hard at it. Now they’ve cornered a hospice chaplain in Florida, forbidding her to use the words “God” or Read more…