Sacred Heart Radio

Catch me on Sacred Heart Radio’s Son Rise Morning Show with Brian Patrick on Friday, May 29 at 7:40am CST. You can listen on 740AM in the Cinncinnati area or online at Brian will be interviewing me about When’s God Gonna Show Up?.

Let’s get Sirius

I’m delighted to announce that I’ll be on the Busted Halo Show with Fr. Dave Dwyer tonight at 7:20pm CST. Fr. Dave will interview me about my new book, “When’s God Gonna Show Up?” among other salty and sundry things. You can find Busted Halo at Sirius 159 or XM Read more…

Whose child is he, anyway?

Perhaps you’ve already heard about this case. A set of Minnesota parents have refused chemotherapy treatment for the 13-year-old son, preferring to pursue natural healing methods. The state tried to force the issue and so the mother took off with the son. Now they’ve issued a warrant for her arrest. Read more…