No wonder our kids are so messed up

Yesterday, President Obama awarded the 2009 Medal of Freedom to seven individuals. The Medal of Freedom is our nation’s highest honor awarded to civilians. The seven award winners included individuals who have adamantly promoted pro-abortion and homosexual platforms. And these are the people we’re supposed to hold up to Read more…

Taking the high road

Please take a look at Whispers in the Loggia. Today’s post about the four Franciscan Friars who trekked 300 miles from Chicago to Washington will inspire you to the hilt. Their example of trust in God – and what that example evoked in others along their way – is Read more…

Remind you of anywhere else in the world?

Militant groups trying to impose Islamic law on a country…insurgent-like attacks, thousands have fled their homes… Some might try to tell me that the events in Nigeria and Iraq are unrelated. I beg to differ, wholeheartedly. Perhaps they’re not generated by the same source or carried out in the Read more…


Those of us who grew up in the sixties and seventies will remember the waves of overpopulation scares. Over and over again we were told to cut back on having children because in a few years there wasn’t going to be enough land or resources to house and feed the Read more…