Sent scampering

There hasn’t been much time for blogging lately. I’ve got three book projects, two proposals, and an article screaming for my attention. On top of that, I’ve been working on a large section of the formation curriculum for the new course of my community. Oh, yeah. And there’s a wonderful Read more…

A Windfall of Cash

In this Year for Priests, it’s fitting that we spend time thinking about the common priesthood. That is, the priesthood to which those of us who have not been ordained are called through our baptism. I don’t want to take anything away from the ministerial priesthood; there would be no Read more…

In the love and service of God

Here’s a great quote from St. Francis de Sales that speaks to the idea of prophetic attachments. It’s from his Introduction to the Devout Life: “In the creation God commanded the plants to bring forth their fruit, each one after its kind. Even so, he commands Christians, who are the Read more…