Sonrise Morning Show

I’ll be on the Sonrise Morning Show with Brian Patrick tomorrow (Wednesday) at 7:10am EST to talk about When’s God Gonna Call Me Back? Listen online at or tune into 740AM in the Cincinnati area.

How Women’s Minds Work

Ha. And men often accuse us of being scatter-brained! We went thrifting Saturday, checking out a couple of outlets we’d never visited before. We found all kinds of cool odds and ends, including a number of nifty water glasses. We went home after a long and fruitful day and enjoyed Read more…

Available for Pre-order!

I’m excited to announce that When’s God Gonna Call Me Back? is in house! Shipments will go out shortly. You can pre-order signed copies on my website ( for just cents more than you’ll pay on Amazon. Please let me know if you plan on ordering multiple copies and I’ll Read more…

(Another) Man Overboard!

I was sad to read the story of Professor Kenneth Howell, former employee of the University of Illinois. That’s right, former. He was canned for speaking the truth about homosexuality via an email to students enrolled in a course on Catholic doctrine. Yes, you read that right. It was a Read more…