Just like Mary

Dear Friends, I’ve been wildly busy putting the finishing touches on the manuscript for Holiness at Home; A Catholic Approach to Strengthening the Family and haven’t had much time for blogging. You are going to love this new book! I’m so excited, I can hardly wait for its release! In Read more…

Items of Interest

This morning, Matt Swaim (of Sonrise Morning Show fame) and I had a great discussion about the announcement that Borders is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the impact technology is having on the publishing industry and the local Catholic bookstore as an important part of our culture. As Matt said, Read more…

Are you in the Catholic lane?

Dear Friends, I’m excited to announce the launching of CatholicLane.com! Many wonderful people are behind this fantastic new Catholic resource, including yours truly as columnist. I hope you’ll check out this new site, which promises to be faithful to the Magisterium and a help to Catholics in living their faith Read more…

Are we losing our love of books?

Associated Press ran an article today (February 16, 2011) stating that Borders is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy with expectation of closing 200 of its 642 stores. Borders also owns Waldenbooks and Borders Express. While some (myself included) may grudgingly point out that the superstore booksellers have shut down the Read more…