Free Will or Free for All?

Join me tomorrow, Tuesday April 26, at 6:45EST on the Sonrise Morning Show with Brian Patrick. We’ll be chatting about free will, what we’ve learned from this past Lent and what we can carry from it into the coming year. You can listen online at:

Whew! I made it!

Whew! It’s Holy Saturday, and we’ve made it through another Lent. Whether we did as well as we had hoped, exceeded our own expectations, or fell sadly short of our goal, we did it. Now we can look forward to again having all those goodies we gave up for 40 Read more…

Discovering Our Name

The Lord called me from birth,from my mother’s womb he gave me my name. (Isa 49:1) The words of Isaiah describing the Suffering Servant also refer to us. The Lord has called us from birth – he knew us before we were even conceived – and named us while we Read more…

Your Ideal Life

Have you ever had one of those dreams in which you are living your ideal life? Everything is just as you would have it be – you have the family you’ve always wanted, the job you’ve always wanted, the house you’ve always wanted, the friends you’ve always wanted, all the Read more…