Son Rise at 7:35am EST

Friends, Join Brian Patrick and I at 7:35am EST Wednesday, August 29 on the Son Rise Morning Show as we discuss “5 Ways to Stop Your Six Year Old from Becoming a Sex Object.” Should prove to be quite an intriguing conversation! You can listen online or catch the podcast Read more…

Six-year-old Sex Objects?

Here’s a must-read article from New American: “Study Shows Girls as Young as Six View Themselves as Sex Objects.” This is a dangerous trend, and is one more reason we need to be vigilant for our next generation, whether we’re parents or not. Satan will stop at nothing to Read more…

Happy Anniversary, Ave Maria Radio!

Ave Maria Radio is celebrating 15 years of Catholic radio broadcasting, flourishing in spite of some devastating odds. The celebration will include some marvelous activities. Read about Ave Maria’s history, success, and inside scoop in the article linked below and written by my friend, Patti Maguire Armstrong.

Chatting with Teresa Tomeo on Catholic Connection

Hi, Friends. I’ll be chatting with Teresa Tomeo about the spirituality of womanhood and my upcoming appearance at the San Antonio Catholic Women’s Conference tomorrow, Thursday, August 23 at 8:39am CST. You can tune in live or listen to the podcast later at this link:

I’ve been nominated!

Exciting news! I’ve been nominated for the top 100 Catholic speakers list for “Catholic Speaker Month” in September. This is a wonderful opportunity for me and so many other Catholic speakers to showcase our talents. Won’t you please go to and cast your vote for your 15 favorite Catholic speakers? Of course, Read more…