Son Rise at 5:35am CST

Hello, friends. Join Brian Patrick and me on the Son Rise Morning Show tomorrow (Friday) at 5:45am CST as we chat about sharing our Catholic faith in unexpected places. Here’s the link to listen online or catch the podcast later:

What the World Needs Now…Holiness for Families

new year

What the world needs now is…holiness for families. It needs families with a pronounced religious character, who take seriously the responsibility for the education of the children from within the family context. I ran across the quote below while researching one of my upcoming presentations and want to share it with you. Spoken by Servant of God, Fr. Joseph Kentenich, in 1965, it holds true not only then, but now and for the future. As we watch the ways of the world around us, we can see how prophetic Fr. Kentenich’s words are. The education of the children is more and more being taken out of the hands of the family and placed into the hands of those who seek to destroy their mentality and morality – secular media, the entertainment industry, schools (not all, but most), and even our own government.   (more…)

Marge Fenelon is a Catholic wife, mother, author, journalist, and speaker. She’s a frequent contributor to a number of Catholic publications and websites, a contributor to Relevant Radio’s “Morning Air Show” and has guested on many other Catholic radio and television shows. She blogs at “Catholic to the Core” on Read more…

The Name that Changes Water into Wine

I’ll be venerating Mary’s name throughout the day today, for many reasons. The primary reason, of course, is that it’s the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary, the day on which we commemorate all of the privileges God has given to her and all of the graces that we have received through her intercession and mediation. The seed of this feast day was planted in sixteenth-century Spain, and was extended to the universal church in 1683 by Pope Innocent XI, in honor of Sobieski’s victory over the Turks in the siege of Vienna.   (more…)