Marian Virtue Series

Traditionally, May has been the Month of Mary, and this May is no different. To commemorate our Blessed Mother’s month, I’ll be doing a Marian Virtues Series on EWTN Radio’s “Son Rise Morning Show.” Each Wednesday of May at 5:45am CST, host Brian Patrick and I will be discussing two of Mary’s amazing virtues and how we might imitate them in our lives. The schedule is below. (more…)

Mother’s Day Special!

Great news! With Mother’s Day fast approaching (less than two weeks!), I’ve decided to run a Mother’s Day Special that your mom is sure to love!  Order your copy of Imitating Mary: Ten Marian Virtues for the Modern Mom, and receive a FREE copy of one of my other fantastic books! Click on the Imitating Mary cover Read more…

Pics and Insights from My Trip to EWTN

You’ve heard about my trip to EWTN to film a segment for “Catholic Mom’s Cafe” and appear live on EWTN Radio’s  “At Home with Jim & Joy.” Now, it’s time for me to show you. I was so busy while I was there that I didn’t have a ton of chances to take pictures, but I was able to get a few. So, if you’ll just follow me, we’ll take a brief tour of the EWTN grounds.

EWTN, Catholic Moms Cafe

First, this is the back of Regina Coeli House were I stayed while I was there. It’s a regular family home that EWTN purchased to use as a guest house. It was so homey and comfortable! (more…)