The family as the engine of the world and of history – Pope Francis

Catholic Church, Holy Father, Pope Francis

“It could be said, without exaggeration, that the family is the engine of the world and of history.” Pope Francis said today in his address to the participants in the 21st Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Family.

Our Holy Father uses an interesting term when referring to the family – engine. What does an engine do? It converts energy and uses power to produce force and motion.  That’s an active, rather than passive definition of family and is a reminder to us that we families must be the driving force in bringing the world back to Christ. (more…)

Humble Pie


I hear my friend Paul singing. “Oh Lord, it’s hard to be humble…” You’d think that, for as many times as I’ve tasted shoe leather I would have absolutely no trouble cutting myself a huge slice of humble pie and eating it with gusto.

As I chomp down my pie, I’d like to take a moment to qualify my comment about secular media. It could have been taken to imply that (more…)