Moving through Change

Change of any kind can be stressful. The only way to get through it is with God’s grace, as Mary did. Here’s my latest article for National Catholic Register, “Moving through Change with God’s Grace.” I bet you’ll learn as much reading it as I did writing it. Good stuff! Read more…

The 15 Best Quotes from EVANGELII GAUDIUM

Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel, Evangelii Gaudium, Apostolic Exhortation

Earlier today Pope Francis issued his first Apostolic Exhortation. Titled Evangelii Gaudium, (The Joy of the Gospel), the 224-page document outlines the Pope’s vision for a missionary Church, whose “doors should always be open,” and touches on numerous themes, including evangelization, peace, priesthood, homiletics, social justice, the family, respect for creation, faith and politics, ecumenism, interreligious dialogue, and the role of women and of the laity in the (more…)