Divine Mercy Novena and giving JPII the chance to intercede for your miracle

Divine Mercy, John Paul II

According to our Lord’s directions to St. Faustina Kowalska, Good Friday begins the Divine Mercy Novena.  In the 1930s, Jesus appeared repeatedly to Polish nun of the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, Faustina Kowalska, dictating to her passage after passage on his Divine Mercy, which she obediently recorded in her diary. It was during these visits of Jesus to St. Faustina that he gave her the Divine Mercy Chaplet (to be said at 3pm each day) and the Divine Mercy Novena. It also was during these visits that our Lord called for the institution of the Feast of Divine Mercy, to take place the Sunday after Easter. It wasn’t until May 23, 2000 that a decree was issued by Blessed John Paul (more…)

Son Rise at 6am CST

Join Matt Swaim and I as we chat about five ways to rev up your Lent tomorrow, Thursday April 10 at 6am CST. It’ll put more steam in your engine. Promise! http://www.ewtn.com/radio/weekday/thesonrisemorningshow.asp

Pope Franics’ catechism on the gifts of the Holy Spirit begins today


Today, the Holy Father begins his catechetical series on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which will take place during his General Audiences each of seven consecutive Wednesdays.

In his first catechism, Pope Francis teaches about wisdom. You can read the full translated text here. For now, I’d like to point out a few lines that especially struck me:

And wisdom in fact is this: it is the grace to be able to see everything with the eyes of (more…)

PETA wants to convert Jeffrey Dahmer’s house into a vegan restaurant. Do they really know what they’re doing?

Jeffrey Dahmer

This post makes me sad. Oh-so sad.

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has announced that it will convert the Akron, OH home of serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer into a vegan restaurant. Dahmer, nicknamed the Milwaukee Cannibal, was a sex offender and killed 17 men and boys, afterwards he ate (yes, ate) body parts from (more…)