Seed of a New World: Film gives faith a new spin
Every once in a while, you come across one that you absolutely can’t turn down. What this group of young professionals in Austin is doing is one that you just can’t turn down.
Every once in a while, you come across one that you absolutely can’t turn down. What this group of young professionals in Austin is doing is one that you just can’t turn down.
“Our investigators spent almost three years deeply imbedded with Planned Parenthood and their affiliates. And we heard from their own mouths, over and over, again and again, that they make money off of selling the parts of aborted babies and have a profit motive in doing so.” – lead investigator Davind Daleiden
Less crunchy?That’s something someone would say when ordering up a nice fresh turkey spinach panini at the local cafe.
is it charity or cruelty? When to draw the line when others take advantage or disrespect our generosity.
One of my priest friends had taught me how to homebrew, since it’s really a logical next step after exploring the craft beer world. My openness on social media about my brewing caught Liguori’s attention, and I developed the idea to use home brewing as…
In this segment of Relevant Radio’s “Morning Air Show,” Marge Fenelon chats with host John Harper about getting and staying motivated in both our practical and faith lives.
When I discovered that my mother had donated her body to science, I first was appalled. Are Catholics even allowed to do that? So, I researched the subject and wrote about it for National Catholic Register. Here’s what I found out: Can Catholics Donate Their Bodies to Science?