“Why Should I Be Angry at God?”

On my other international journalist trips, I learned that no matter what culture we live in, we want the best for our families and yearn for love, happiness, and security. From the Egan Journalism Fellowship trip I learned that suffering also is universal.

Relevant Radio, Morning Air Show, Lent, Podcast, Marge Fenelon

Morning Air at 6:15amCST: Consecrating France to Mary

My National Catholic Register post on consecrating France to Mary has elicited some very interesting responses. I’ll be chatting about that with Relevant Radio’s Morning Air Show host John Harper tomorrow, November 19 at 6:15amCST. I hope you’ll join us and call in with your comments and questions at 1-877-766-3888.

Jeepneys, Fried Bananas, and Jungle Jim

My entire trip to the Philippines was a throwback. The purpose of the Egan fellowship was to report on the relief and reconstruction programs run by Catholic Relief Services in the aftermath of Super Typhoon Haiyan.
And I did that. But, along the way I encountered some things from my past that left a deep impression on me.