For White Sox DH Adam LaRoche, #FamilyFirst is More Than a Hashtag

Whether it’s for an ailing mother and aunt, or a young son who needs his dad, it touches my heart to see professional athletes who can be real men more so off the field than on. It can’t be easy to give up so much for what some people might consider so little.

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Brussels Attacks: What Can WE Do? Plenty.

By means of their beliefs, ISIS has made themselves our enemies in that they’d just as soon wipe all Christians off the face of the earth – in violent, painful ways – than allow us to live. Jihad is not a fable from an old comic book; it’s a reality that has been declared by Islamic extremists.

Still, Jesus says to love them and pray for them.

Beaten. Broken. Surrendered.

It is not in Scripture, but I often wonder if our Lord spoke privately with Mary at some point, explaining to her all that would happen and giving her the promise of the Resurrection.

Regardless, the stone itself still tells the tale of great torment and great love. The Body that was anointed there had been given up for you and for me.