The Lord Will Fight for You
I, too, am part of the People of God and our Lord has promised his faithfulness to me. I can’t forget that, even though it can sometimes feel as though I’m standing all alone, helpless and uncertain.
I, too, am part of the People of God and our Lord has promised his faithfulness to me. I can’t forget that, even though it can sometimes feel as though I’m standing all alone, helpless and uncertain.
Of course, it’s not good to go around acting like a drill sergeant. Sometimes there is good reason to be gentle. But at other times, people need to be shown that they have more potential than they give themselves credit for.
Did you know you’re the apple of God’s eye? Join Relevant Radio’s Morning Air Show hosts, John Harper, Glen Lewerenz, and me Wednesday June 15 at 8amCT as we chat about being the apple of God’s eye. Call in and share your experiences! 1-877-766-3777
If you’ve been blessed to visit the Holy Land, you’ll understand why Diana von Glahn, aka The Faithful Traveler, has created a new television series about it. Titled A Papal Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, von Glahn’s three-episode masterpiece trails Pope Francis on his historic pilgrimage to the Holy Land in May, Read more…
I’ve been thinking quite a bit about the above four points, and praying for understanding and peace in my heart. I still don’t understand this hatred generated by Islamic extremists, and I’m yet to feel especially peaceful about it.
However, I have been inspired to turn toward to Franciscan saints for intercession and guidance.
I learned a great deal in my time at Mayo Clinic, and I’ve no doubt that I’ll learn much more before this is all over. So far, the lesson that most resonates in me is the example of the Mayo founders: Determination, dedication, service, excellence, collaboration, and following God’s inspirations.
I’m not facing the life-threatening obstacles that Gehrig faced, but I am facing some obstacles of my own. And I’ve been asking myself if I could honestly say, I’m the luckiest (wo)man on the face of the earth.
I don’t think I could at first, but I’m getting there, and for the same reasons that Gehrig got there.