Everything’s on Sale in My Bookstore – For an IMPORTANT Reason
It’s a win-win for both of us! You buy my books (at 10% discount), and I pay my medical bills. Simple!
It’s a win-win for both of us! You buy my books (at 10% discount), and I pay my medical bills. Simple!
“It was in learning about St. Monica’s life that I understood that a Mommy Heart never shuts down, and that’s OK. Her concern for St. Augustine didn’t end when he turned 18. In fact, it didn’t end when he turned 29 and took off to Rome. Nor did it end after his conversion in his early 30s. She not only worried about him; she followed him from Tagaste to Rome, and on to Milan.”
Good morning! Today the Roman Catholic Church celebrates the feast of the Queenship of Mary. That Mary is Queen is often misunderstood by Catholics and non-Catholics alike. But there’s something more we need to know. Mary’s Queenship makes us royal children. How? Find out in my latest post for National Catholic Register. Read more…
It doesn’t make sense to say that God can’t be good because someone – or hundreds of someones – chose to do evil things. And it doesn’t make sense to say that we shouldn’t appreciate the good things in life because bad things exist.
Sometimes it’s wiser to be foolish – when you’re being a fool for Christ.
Jesus could’ve chosen any of his apostles. In fact, he could have performed this amazing miracle in front of an entire crowd. Instead, he picked three of his closest followers.
When I put myself in the place of those apostles, I can’t help but wonder, “why me?” I’m certain that’s what I’d be asking myself if I were in their shoes.
In case you missed my five-part series on Women of Grace, here’s the link to Part I: “Our Lady, Undoer of Knots – Untying Life’s Tangles. Enjoy!