Way of the Cross, Catholic church, Good Friday, Weeping Women, Jerusalem

The Daughters of Jerusalem are My Real Heroes

We can tend to paint parents of “ideal” families as heroes, looking up to them as if they are all that we are not and as though we should feel guilty about it. Perhaps we did mess up in spots, and its normal to have regrets about that. Then we pray, surrender to Christ, and do what we can to set things right.

As you make your way along the Way of the Cross this Good Friday, stop to consider the weeping women and our Lord’s words to them.

Portugal, Fatima, Diana von Glahn, The Faithful Traveler, IndieGoGo

Heavenly Perks: Hop on Board The Faithful Traveler’s IndieGoGo Campaign!

The Faithful Traveler team is nearly finished with The Faithful Traveler in Portugal, but they’ve emptied their bank accounts and maxed their credit for this project. If they’re going to complete the series in time for the 100th Anniversary of Fatima in May, they’ll need help. Your help. And mine.
The Faithful Traveler has launched an IndieGoGo Campaign to raise the $45,000 they need to finish The Faithful Traveler in Portugal. A number of way-cool perks are being offered in return for your generosity: Free digital downloads, copies of The Mini Book of Saints (by Diana von Glahn), DVDs, and Blu-Rays, photo books, and gifts from Fatima.