Mary, May Crowning, Marge Fenelon, Queenship

Have You Crowned Your Mother Today?

When you give Mary a personal crown, you’re making a monumental declaration. You are proclaiming her Queen – your Queen. And when you crown her, you may ask her for the special graces that she has to give you as your Queen. She’ll give them to you. That and more.

Fatima, Catholic Church, Marge Fenelon, Jean Heimann

Fatima: The Apparition that Changed the World. New Books by Jean Heimann is a Gem.

Author Jean M. Heimann has written a marvelous book that documents the apparitions, their messages, meaning, and impact on the Church. In Fatima: The Apparition that Changed the World (Tan Books, 2017), she describes the Fatima happenings in colorful detail and shares many little-known facts about Fatima, including saints and popes who have been deeply influenced by it plus much more.