Our Lady of Sorrows: The Sword that Pierced Mary’s Heart
Whenever I’m tempted toward doubt, I think of Mary as Our Lady of Sorrows, whose feast we celebrate in commemoration of her faithful and courageous acceptance of Simeon’s prophecy.
Whenever I’m tempted toward doubt, I think of Mary as Our Lady of Sorrows, whose feast we celebrate in commemoration of her faithful and courageous acceptance of Simeon’s prophecy.
The Crucifix bears our Lord’s torn and tattered Body, reminding us of his great suffering and the extreme price he paid for our salvation.
Repeat Mary’s name often with love and devotion – not just today, but everyday and especially during moments of temptation and spiritual distress. Her holy name – Mary – will chase the demons away and draw her near to you.
This book would never have been possible without the selfless people who courageously and generously shared with me their stories of sorrow-turned-to-joy, and I owe them a dept of gratitude. You’ll meet them all in the pages of 10 Promises of Jesus: Stories and Scripture Reflections about Suffering and Joy.