Real Scammers vs People in Real Need: How Can We Tell?
How do we tell the difference between the real scammers and the people in real need?
How do we tell the difference between the real scammers and the people in real need?
It didn’t help that nothing was normal for me. My routines were shattered, and I couldn’t do things the way I was used to doing them. I needed to sleep downstairs in the recliner while the others slept upstairs and I hated it. I often would stay awake most of the night praying rosary after rosary after chaplet after chaplet for anybody who came to mind – anyone but me because it made me too sad to pray for myself.
I really think Anne was far better at encouraging me than I was at encouraging her. What started as my way of helping Anne ended up as Anne’s way of helping me and it was astonishing to see this normally-reserved woman blossom into a witty, wise, perceptive and insightful individual. It was a side of Anne I’d never seen before. What a gift.
She didn’t flinch. She didn’t get angry. She didn’t scold her for being disrespectful. She smiled because Bernadette was her child. She knew her child’s heart and so she also knew that Bernadette’s holy water antic was the product of fear and not mischief.