Prayer Power

I receive so many requests for prayers on a regular basis! The need for prayer is so great! Of course, I gladly pray for them, entrust them and their petitions to our Blessed Mother Mary, and encourage them to pray for others who are in need. Because this has become so popular, I’ve decided to include it in a weekly blog post called “Prayer Power,” this being the first.

Why You – Yes, You! – Need to Share Your Catholic Faith Story

You need not be a public speaker or author to share your Catholic faith story with the world, and Nancy Ward has proven that in her new book, “Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story: Tools, Tips & Testimonies,” published by The Word Works. In her book, Ward shows just how easy it can be to simply and spontaneously share with others how the Catholic faith has changed your life.

Holiness, Saints, Prayer, Marge Fenelon

Who Do You Think About at Pentecost?

I can imagine that Mary, with her motherly heart and closeness to her Son, was ever-so proud of the Apostles. I can imagine her face, beaming with joy, and her lips offering prayers of praise and thanksgiving to God. Because of the important position the Apostles had in Jesus’ life, they must have had an important position in Mary’s life as well.