Those Smilin’ Irish Eyes
In Ireland, exceptional hospitality isn’t as much a practiced virtue as it is a matter of course. Hospitality is part of what the Irish people are made of and I was the blessed recipient of that hospitality for eight days.
In Ireland, exceptional hospitality isn’t as much a practiced virtue as it is a matter of course. Hospitality is part of what the Irish people are made of and I was the blessed recipient of that hospitality for eight days.
On November 21, the Church celebrates the memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. You might be thinking, “Wait a minute. Didn’t we celebrate that earlier in the year?” We did indeed celebrate a presentation feast day earlier in the year – on February 2, as a matter Read more…
We all experience isolation at times in our lives. Whether it’s physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, isolation can be hard to cope with and can lead to other problems if left unchecked. Many biblical figures experienced isolation from Abraham, Moses, Job, and Jeremiah to Mary, the Holy Family and Read more…