Our Lady of Guadalupe: Woman Clothed With the Sun
Pregnant and “clothed with the sun,” Our Lady of Guadalupe is exactly what our country, our world, our Church need right now.
Pregnant and “clothed with the sun,” Our Lady of Guadalupe is exactly what our country, our world, our Church need right now.
On this feast of St. Nicholas, we give thanks to God for this wonderful saint who loved and protected children. We remember the children in our lives as well as those who are in desperate situations. If we open our hearts and lift our voices to heaven, grace will abound.
This Sunday the Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of Christ the King, honoring Jesus not just as Savior or the Son of God but as King of the universe. St. Paul tells us, “At the name of Jesus every knee should bend, of those in heaven and on earth and under Read more…
The Archangels – Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael – are familiar figures for most of us. But there are some places that they turn up in the Bible that might surprise you. St. Michael The name Michael means, in Hebrew who is like unto God? and he’s most commonly known for the way Read more…
Do you feel as though God is asking too much of you? Are you having trouble meeting the demands and needs placed on you? There’s a valuable lesson for you in the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand with five barley loaves and two fish.
Things have gotten worse since I wrote this blog post for National Catholic Register. We need not sit idly watching the chaos and tragedy unfold. There’s something we can do.
I’ve often wondered why Jesus chose Peter, John, and James to witness the Transfiguration. It also makes me wonder why he chose me to remain in the Church when so many I know have left or declined her.