Imitating Paul: “What Shall I Do, Sir?”
Paul’s two questions should guide our lives: “Who are you, Sir?” and “What shall I do, Sir?”
Paul’s two questions should guide our lives: “Who are you, Sir?” and “What shall I do, Sir?”
When our Lord speaks to you in the depths of your soul, he speaks in a manner that is meant solely for you, and which only you will be able to understand. It’s as if he made up a brand new language just for you. That voice isn’t meant for anyone else, so they won’t be able to hear it.
Understand that if human life is undervalued, so will our freedoms be undervalued. This is not about a law as much as it is about an attitude. What is needed in an immediate and widespread way is a change of hearts away from evil and disregard for life and toward God.
We’re celebrating a “Second Epiphany” (think hobbits) on January 6 complete with an Epiphany House Blessing, I hope that you will do the same in the best way that you are able. Most importantly, I urge you to conduct an Epiphany House Blessing according to our Catholic tradition.