Finding Your Spiritual MPH (Miles Per Hour)

Having my speedometer break while on the highway is one of the best things that could have happened to me. Trying to gauge how fast I should go based on the speeds of the other cars on the road taught me a valuable lesson about my spiritual life. Judging the speed of your spiritual striving by that of others is not only fruitless, but detrimental to your spiritual growth. Learn how to find your personal MPH (Miles Per Hour) and how to make God your ultimate speedometer this Lent.

How to Have a Truly Joyful Lent

Another miserable Lent, right? Wrong! Lent doesn’t have to be miserable drudgery that leaves you feeling grumpy and deprived. It can be an amazing opportunity to challenge yourself to reach for spiritual heights and demonstrate your love for Christ.

For more great inspirations, check out Sign up for 40 Days 40 Verses and get a brief yet powerful reflection in your inbox every day of Lent.

30 Days to the Father's Heart book cover

Meet God the Father in a Personal Way

Evangelist Terry Modica has a new book that will lead you into a deep, lasting relationship with the heavenly Father and help you to truly feel that you are his special child – in just 30 days! Terry’s new book is 30 Days to the Father’s Heart and I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to do an author Q&A with her for my blog.