But he can say that human cloning is off limits?

Isn’t that a moral call, Mr. President? How can you open science to one immoral thing and yet close it to another? Who decides which forms of life may be experimented upon? Or…perhaps you fear that we’ll start cloning Republicans…http://www.foxnews.com/politics/first100days/2009/03/09/obama-says-government-open-door-human-cloning/

Sound Science vs. Moral Values

Okay, let me get this straight. If I’m reading President Obama’s quote correctly, the only good science is immoral science. Below is a excerpt from a Yahoo News blurb about the president’s reversal of former President Bush’s ban on embryonic stem cell research. His claim, is that a moral choice Read more…

Check your slippers

I’d gone to bed at 2am and risen at 6am for many days in a row, trying to keep up with the list of demands requiring my attention. This morning I decided to “sleep in” because I’d lost an hour to daylight savings time and so instead rose at 6:30am Read more…

When I get around to it

“When I get around to it.” How often do we find ourselves saying that about things we know we should do, but for which we just don’t manage to make the time? Today there was another development in the case of the NFL players and their friend lost at sea. Read more…