Victory! Seems the Mother of the Bride withstood the shop-a-thon better than me. She’s lovely and fresh as a daisy.. I’m…well…still standing.
On this Mother’s Day eve, Fenelon Clan is caught in a swirl of excitement. Son #2 will very soon be married, and there’s much to do! Yesterday, I was able to leap one huge hurdle – finding my Mother of the Bride dress and accessories! This was new to me, since nearly everything in my closet comes from a thrift store. You might say it’s a bit of an addiction for me. There’s nothing like the thrill of the hunt and the victory of cornering my prey – that one, unique, and right-priced item nestled in the gullet of the rack! So, shopping for new outfits in department stores was a mite overwhelming for this set-in-her ways middle-ager. (more…)