Yesterday, March 27, reported that a top Roman Catholic official in the Holy Land says a trip to Israel by Pope Francis in late May is in peril because of a strike by Israeli diplomats.
That, of course, could affect a number of folks, including the Church and government officials with which the pontiff is scheduled to meet, and the refugees, disabled, and families he’s supposed to visit. It also will affect my colleagues and I traveling to Israel with the Catholic Press Association.
Not cool.
So, I’m inviting you to join in a novena for this intention to Our Lady, Undoer of Knots. This power novena has been around for more than 300 years and is known to have undone many a complicated and treacherous knot. Why not this one?
I want the Pope to be there in May when I am, and I want to be able to bring you news and insights from the trip here on this blog. I’m sure you want that, too. More than anything, however, I want our Holy Father to be safe.
We’ll begin the novena on Sunday, March 30, and I’ll post the corresponding prayer each day of the novena so it’s convenient for you to follow. If you prefer, you can get the novena yourself at this link: You also can learn more about the novena or order it in booklet form here:
With our prayers and the intercession of Mary, Undoer of Knots, we’ll coax the Israeli diplomats to end the strike and clear the way for Pope Francis’ visit to Israel.
Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for us!!