
Are you ready for an adventure this Advent? Catholic Deacon and author Greg Kandra has one for you!

In the introduction to his newly-released book, The Living Gospel: Daily Devotions for Advent 2018, (Ave Maria Press) Kandra describes Advent as an adventure with inspiration from Helen Keller who once summed up our existence by saying, “Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.” Advent certainly is not “nothing” as the author wrote.

“Well, we get some idea of the during that life involves as we begin the season of Advent. Whether we realize it or not, we are embarking on an adventure of our own. After all, the name of this season shares the same root as ‘adventure’ – from the Latin adventus, meaning arrival. The arrival we await, of course, is that of the Messiah – God incarnate, Jesus. And what an adventure that waiting will be!”

Kandra lays out his Advent adventure with a six-part formula that includes Psalms, Scripture passages, meditations, prayer, and action points that motivate us to make the most of Advent. His meditations are intriguing and use anecdotes from his own personal life, the lives of others and from Scripture. All of them provide an animated and thought-provoking message for personal and spiritual growth.

Consider this example:

Friday, December 21: Third Week of Advent

Today’s gospel is a vivid example of that. Mary leaves the comfort of her home in Nazareth, setting out into the rugged hills of Judah. And with that, a great heroic story begins – in fact, the greatest ever.

This is the story of Christianity – the ongoing and ever-new story of a gift being offered to the world.

This gospel passage is also, significantly, the particular story of Elizabeth: the saint of patients, the Saint sf eternal waiting, and the saint of Advent. In Luke’s gospel, she is the first person mentioned, besides Mary to encounter Christ. Think of it: before there were disciples and apostles, before the blind saw and the lame walked, there was Elizabeth. She was the first to welcome Jesus by welcoming his mother.

This gospel should fill us with Advent joy, as we get ready to welcome Jesus ourselves – and open our arms, like Elizabeth, to miracle.

Kandra lays out his Advent adventure with a six-part formula that includes Psalms, Scripture passages, meditations, prayer, and action points that motivate us to make the most of Advent. His meditations are intriguing and use anecdotes from his own personal life, the lives of others and from Scripture. All of them provide an animated and thought-provoking message for personal and spiritual growth.

The only unfortunate thing about Kandra’s book is that it’s meant only for Advent 2018, which means it’s not an evergreen book and I could see myself using it year after year. On the other hand, the fact that it coincides exactly with current events and culture is what makes The Living Gospel: Daily Devotions for Advent 2018 the gem that it is!

Order your copy here and get ready for your Adventure:


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