Laughing at the Devil

Yesterday I was reading the revelations of Julian of Norwich, the 14th century mystic who experienced visions – shewings, she called them – during grave illness. She was though to die and was suffering greatly. The priest came and held a crucifix before her so that she could gaze at Read more…

Mum’s the word

There’s an old saying. It goes like this: “Mum’s the word”. It means, “SSShhhhh. Keep your mouth shut. Don’t say anything to anyone about it.” Often the expression is used when something of great import is to be kept secret. “Mum’s the word on this, okay?” Yesterday, I got a Read more…

Hi-tech granny

I hate grocery shopping with every fiber of my being. It’s not the shopping itself I hate, it’s the people. Grocery shoppers – especially those who frequent the markets on Saturdays – are the grumpiest, meanest, crabbiest sour pusses around. The barrage of scowling faces absolutely depresses me. And that’s Read more…

The Church Militant

The other day, I attended daily Mass celebrated by a priest from India. During the homily, he read a letter from a dear priest friend who lives in Orissa, the Indian state in which Catholics are being viciously persecuted. The friend told of the dangers in which he lives, day Read more…