I am thrilled to announce that Mother Most Powerful: Reflections on the Litany of Loreto has been officially released!
I am thrilled to announce that Mother Most Powerful: Reflections on the Litany of Loreto has been officially released!
It’s been a long-standing Catholic tradition to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary during the month of May. In most Catholic churches (and even in many Catholic homes), a “May Altar” is erected with a statue or picture of Mary, flowers, and perhaps candles. The altar stands from May 1-31 as Read more…
Through the Presentation, Joseph, Mary, and Jesus show us a profound example of humility and obedience by observing Jewish law even though they didn’t have to. They did that for our sake, not their own.
In this week’s episode of “Everyday Spirituality,” I muse about being an author on a book’s release day (like having a baby), explain the background for my new book, “My Queen, My Mother: A Living Novena,” give examples of our rich US Catholic history and heritage, talk miracles, the essence of Marian pilgrimage places and why we’re in danger of losing them.
They say that launching a book is much like giving birth to a child. If that’s the case, I’m on my fifteenth baby! Yet, with the pains of labor come the joys of the child itself, who grows to bless the world in his or her own way. So, I pray that this new baby of mine – My Queen, My Mother: A Living Novena – will grow and bless the world.
In Catholic churches and homes around the world, May altars – special places dedicated to Mary, Mother of God – have been erected. Some have pictures of Mary, some have statues of her. Most have bouquets of flowers and many host a crown of flowers for the Queen, symbols of her beauty, purity, and virtue.
It’s a wonderful custom, but do you know why Catholics celebrate May as the Month of Mary?
Most people know that, on this day, we honor Mary for the grief she experienced during our Lord’s Passion and Crucifixion. But, not all of us know that this feast also honors her for the seven swords that pierced her Immaculate Heart, as Simeon prophesied at the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple.