I am thrilled to announce that Mother Most Powerful: Reflections on the Litany of Loreto has been officially released! This book was both a challenge and a joy to write, involving much prayer, research, and personal reflection. Finally, the months of hard work are over and I cannot wait to get a copy into your hands!
I believe that Mother Most Powerful will draw you more deeply into the heart of Mary and give you a new appreciation of who she is under her many titles. I also believe that, if you share this book with others, they will enthusiastically thank you.
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The tradition of praying litanies can be traced back to the early centuries of the Church. Of all the litanies to Mary, the most used and well known is the Litany of Loreto. It is named after its place of origin, the Shrine of Our Lady of Loreto in Italy, and was approved by Pope Sixtus V in 1587. Since then, the Litany of Loreto has been a source of inspiration not just for the faithful but for poets, artists, musicians, and builders.
Mother Most Powerful reflects on each of the fifty-four titles of Mary found in the Litany of Loreto. As Our Lady’s Litany has for centuries, this book will draw you into love and veneration of the Blessed Mother in her titles.
These illuminating reflections can be read and prayed in any order and in whatever frequency you choose. They could be the companion to a novena or read over the course of months or a year. Perfect for individual quiet time or a group study, this book will help you grow in devotion to Mary while learning about the Litany of Loreto and the beauty, history, and meaning of Mary’s titles therein.