Three Simply Holy Things to Remeber When You’re Down
Are you feeling discouraged about what’s going on in the world? In your own life? Here are three Simply Holy things to remember that will uplift you and help you discover joy
Are you feeling discouraged about what’s going on in the world? In your own life? Here are three Simply Holy things to remember that will uplift you and help you discover joy
No matter what happened, you don’t know the history or what lies in their heart of the other person. Your enemy could be another Saul.
I spend a lot of time in prayer each day because I need that time to be at peace with God. But now I’m asking myself, “Do you pray too much?”
Paul’s two questions should guide our lives: “Who are you, Sir?” and “What shall I do, Sir?”
Understand that if human life is undervalued, so will our freedoms be undervalued. This is not about a law as much as it is about an attitude. What is needed in an immediate and widespread way is a change of hearts away from evil and disregard for life and toward God.
On this feast of St. Nicholas, we give thanks to God for this wonderful saint who loved and protected children. We remember the children in our lives as well as those who are in desperate situations. If we open our hearts and lift our voices to heaven, grace will abound.
Things have gotten worse since I wrote this blog post for National Catholic Register. We need not sit idly watching the chaos and tragedy unfold. There’s something we can do.